Registration and Networking


Martin Schmid, CEO (EXTEDO)

Navigating the Future: Current Trends in Regulatory Information Management, AI, and Automation

Steve Gens (Gens & Associates)

Regulatory Round-the-World Tour: Discovering Global Regulatory Updates

Dr. Gerhard Neurauter (EXTEDO)

Podium Discussion: Latest Developments and Challenges in Regulatory Information Management

Steve Gens (Gens & Associates), Schei Dattner (EXTEDO)

Networking Coffee Break

eCTD 4.0 and the Evolution of Structured Data Submissions

Kristiina Puusaari (EMA), Anjana Pindoria-Rettenberger (EXTEDO)

IDMP Progress: Regulatory Framework, Current Status, Challenges, and Global Outlook

Dr. Jörg Stüben (Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH), Dr. Anna Thaidigsmann (EXTEDO)

Digital Transformation in Egypt: The EDA's Vision of a Healthier Tomorrow

Dr. Ali El-Ghamrawy (EDA)

Transforming Healthcare: Seamless End-to-End Health Authority Solutions and Processes at the EDA
Dr. Eman Hussein (EDA), Andrea Obermeyer (EXTEDO)
Optimizing Industry-Agency-Collaboration using Structured Content with Related Annotations

Christian Mehrmann (Rote Liste Service GmbH), Andrea Obermeyer (EXTEDO)

Networking Buffet Lunch

Break-Out Sessions

Break-Out Session

including a Networking Coffee Break at 15:15

14:15-14:45 How AWS is shaping the future of Healthcare and Life Sciences with Generative AI Dr. Krishna Singh (AWS)

14:45-15:15 AI Unveiled: Exploring the Next Interface for Human-Data Interaction Anjana Pindoria-Rettenberger, Andrea Striebel (EXTEDO)

15:45-16:15 Global Updates on Electronic Product Information (ePI) Regulations and Insights to the EMA ePI Pilot Paul Kamm (Rote Liste Service GmbH)

Journey of the Structured Data and Stakeholder Collaboration for ePI - From Pharma to Patient Podium discussion

Break-Out Session

including a Networking Coffee Break at 15:15

14:15-14:45 Navigating the Transition from eCTD 3.2 to eCTD 4.0 with Confidence Dr. Hebatallah Ibrahim (EDA), Anjana Pindoria-Rettenberger (EXTEDO)

14:45-15:15 Revolutionizing Content Creation: The Future of Structured Component Authoring with Master Data Management (MDM) Niklas Jänich (Boehringer Ingelheim), Janet Schorr (Docuvera)


Regulatory Transformation in the MENA Region: Progress, Challenges, and Future Outlook Dr. Mona Al Moussli (PRA Consultancy)

16:15-16:45 From Collaboration to Empowerment: argenx’s Journey from relying on external publishing support to Independently Managing Submissions with an End-to-End Partner Veerle De Bruyker (argenx)


End of Official Part Day 1
Evening Event and Dinner