Agenda eRA
Martin Schmid, CEO (EXTEDO)
Steve Gens (Gens & Associates)
Dr. Gerhard Neurauter (EXTEDO)
Steve Gens (Gens & Associates), Schei Dattner (EXTEDO)
Kristiina Puusaari (EMA), Anjana Pindoria-Rettenberger (EXTEDO)
Dr. Jörg Stüben (Boehringer Ingelheim International GmbH), Dr. Anna Thaidigsmann (EXTEDO)
Dr. Ali El-Ghamrawy (EDA)
Christian Mehrmann (Rote Liste Service GmbH), Andrea Obermeyer (EXTEDO)
Break-Out Sessions
Break-Out Session
including a Networking Coffee Break at 15:15
14:15-14:45 How AWS is shaping the future of Healthcare and Life Sciences with Generative AI Dr. Krishna Singh (AWS)
14:45-15:15 AI Unveiled: Exploring the Next Interface for Human-Data Interaction Anjana Pindoria-Rettenberger, Andrea Striebel (EXTEDO)
Journey of the Structured Data and Stakeholder Collaboration for ePI - From Pharma to Patient Podium discussion
Break-Out Session
including a Networking Coffee Break at 15:15
14:15-14:45 Navigating the Transition from eCTD 3.2 to eCTD 4.0 with Confidence Dr. Hebatallah Ibrahim (EDA), Anjana Pindoria-Rettenberger (EXTEDO)
14:45-15:15 Revolutionizing Content Creation: The Future of Structured Component Authoring with Master Data Management (MDM) Niklas Jänich (Boehringer Ingelheim), Janet Schorr (Docuvera)
Regulatory Transformation in the MENA Region: Progress, Challenges, and Future Outlook Dr. Mona Al Moussli (PRA Consultancy)
16:15-16:45 From Collaboration to Empowerment: argenx’s Journey from relying on external publishing support to Independently Managing Submissions with an End-to-End Partner Veerle De Bruyker (argenx)