Gens & Associates IDMP Vendor Assessment & Capability Survey - How does MPDmanager powered by CARA compare to competing products?
The FDA’s OPDP eCTD is now in effect - what does it mean for you?
OMS to become mandatory for all submissions to EMA
The Mystery of the EU IG - Insider Perspective
EXTEDO to extend its EXTEDOpulse RIM software solution using Generis’s CARA™ foundational content & business process management platform
EXTEDO Donates Laptops to Disadvantaged Children for Homeschooling
Implementation of the new Veterinary Medicines Regulation
New Guidance on Handling of DCP/MRP
EXTEDO continues community outreach - sponsors local ski club
Therapeutic Goods Administration (Australia) to transition all regulatory submissions to eCTD-only, starting in 2021
MHRA Publishes New Guidance for Converting Centrally Authorized Products to UK Marketing Authorizations
EXTEDO Expands its Global Reach in Pakistan